We’re eager to help your business grow
Incentives for growing or locating a business or industry in Jenkins County are numerous. A few are listed here, but please contact the Jenkins County Development Authority at 478-982-5595, mandy@jenkinscountyga.com for more possible local and state incentives and details.
Locally, we offer a One-Stop-Shop permitting process. Additionally, the Jenkins County Development Authority assists companies in obtaining any necessary environmental permitting required from State and Federal agencies.
Utility Access
The Jenkins County Development Authority will coordinate with the various utility operators that serve the proposed site to provide the most aggressive pricing possible for utility services. (However, all prices are subject to standard cost of business increases or decreases, which are experienced in doing business and equally apply to all customers.) Once a Company’s specific utility requirements are known, specific and applicable rate quotes will be provided. Utilities, including water, sewer, gas, and electric power will be made available in capacities required by the prospect company.
Quick Start is the Georgia Department of Technical and Adult Education's statewide training arm for new and expanding industries in Georgia. Developed as an incentive for companies to locate in Georgia, Quick Start provides job specific training for Georgians to enter the workforce in the state's new and expanding industries. This free State of Georgia-sponsored training is provided locally through Southeastern Technical College. The Jenkins County Development Authority can assist companies in securing Quick Start training prior to a company beginning operation.
Job Tax Credit
Georgia provides tax credits on income taxes for qualifying businesses that create and retain five (5) or more jobs in Georgia. Per each new job created, a tax credit of $4,000 will be credited to the business for a period of five years, beginning from year two (2) through year six (6) with ability to carry forward for 10 years. The Development Authority further pledges to work with State agencies and officials to ensure the prospect receives the proper credits as this program may be amended in the future.
100% Freeport
Freeport (100%) means ad valorem property taxes are not assessed by Jenkins County or the state against a company’s inventory of raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished products destined for shipment out of state. The City of Millen also exempts 100% of all qualified Level 1 freeport inventory (raw materials and goods in process of manufacture).

Local officials will apply to all appropriate Federal and State agencies for applicable grant funds to assist in reducing building construction costs, financing public infrastructure, and other funding assistance that may be required for a project.
Equipment Sales Tax Exclusions and Ad Valorem Tax Concessions
Local officials give assistance to companies as needed in securing the best possible sales and use tax machinery exemption from the Georgia Department of Revenue.
Federal Opportunity Zone
Millen and Jenkins County include one of the 8,700 Federal Opportunity Zones in the 50 U.S. states, created by The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act to spur economic growth in low-income communities by allowing investors to defer federal taxes by taking capital gains from other investments and investing in these designated areas. New investments, under certain conditions, may be eligible for preferential tax treatment.
Foreign Trade Zone
Jenkins County companies have access to Foreign Trade Zones, where goods may be stored, manipulated, mixed with domestic and/or foreign materials, used in assembly or manufacturing processes or exhibited for sale without being subject to duties.